Contact us!
16305 Sand Canyon AveSuite 220Irvine CA 92618Phone: 949.748.7474Fax: 949.272.5858e-mail: info[a]
Clinic hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm.
For Dr. Hoefs, the Physician has 4 great charges: investigate educate evaluate demonstrate caring that makes both education and recommendations from the evaluation meaningful
These values characterize Dr. Hoefs career in his role as researcher, educator and teacher at the University of California Irvine for nearly 30 years. Investigation includes research into the cause of liver disease and understanding of the basic cause for clinical problems (note publications). This understanding can be passed on to students, colleagues and patients.
Education of students and physicians in the community has been the very framework of Dr. Hoefs passion for liver disease. But it is also the knowledge incorporated by the patient that allows the patient to make informed decisions regarding his care. Dr Hoefs is a premier educator in the classroom, lecture hall or bedside.
The understanding of liver disease must be carried to the bedside involving a complete evaluation of the patient through history, physical exam, blood tests, biopsy and scans. Incorporation of all aspects into a meaningful interpretation is essential for patient care. Thus, treatment recommendation should follow the full evaluation of the patient.
Care requires understanding of liver disease, attention to the needs of the patient, and compassion for a patient. It has been well said that no-one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Dr. Hoefs has a passion for people and for empowering them to deal effectively with their liver disease.